Nestled discreetly within the enchanting Finlay Houses, a collection of eleven Edwardian, wood-frame, heritage homes hailing from the turn of the last century, stands a quaint laneway home that epitomizes legacy and thoughtful design. 

This home was conceived as a way to honour a family member who passed; as a legacy piece that would enable the occupants of the principal dwelling, both present and future, to have an income-generating unit on site. Additionally, the home leverages the backyard to allow for the housing of family, should it continue to grow. 

This is the second time we’ve built behind one of the residences on Finlay’s Row, and like the last time, it was important to honour the neighborhood character, seeing as this is an addition to a notoriously low-density part of the city. Skillfully blending contemporary amenities and traditional charm (like the reclaimed wood flooring on the second floor), this home was an exercise in quiet, collaborative architecture while offering the denizens modern accouterments inside.

The result is a large, comfortable home that functions perfectly as a stand-alone dwelling for a small family, or a couple in their autumn years.

Floor Plan

Legacy Laneway


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